Get the highest price for your old textbooks!

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You won't use them anymore, share and make money

Sell your used textbooks at the highest price among our vendors

It's that simple

1. Enter items

Take the items you want to sell and enter them into the search field in the upper part of the website. If you are interested in the sale you put the item into your selling cart.

If you want to sell several items use the bulk compare or our Barcode Scanner App.

2. Identify best buyers

In the shopping cart view, you can see the best buyers, paying you the highest prices for your entire selling cart.

That's how you can easily yield 100%+ over the average offers.

3. Sell items to vendors

We guide you through the process of selling your items to the buyers.

Few days after having shipped the items, you will receive your money from the buyer.

About selling used textbooks:

Deal the textbooks you are not longer going to use and get the best possible price out of them. Elementary school, middle school, high school, Collegue... Any subjects: Grammar, Math, History, Geography, English, Spanish, French, Law, Medicine, Business... you name it! Compare among over 20 vendors that guarantee the best choice for you.

Plenty of items but short on time?

Use our bulk compare feature to quickly load all your items into your cart.

Just provide a list with the items' barcode (UPC/ISBN).

Use bulk compare
